Recommended Learning Duration: 16 Hrs
Overview: Through this course, the user will be able to learn CATIA V5 Surface Design. On completion of this course, user will be able to:
- Understand the approach to Generative Shape Design(GSD) workbench
- Understand the best practices in GSD
- Create Geometrical Set
- Create the wireframe
- Create and modify surfaces
- Perform surface operations
- Convert Surface into Solid
Course Structure:
Design of Surface Model-1
- Access Generative Shape Design workbench
- Create wireframe
- Create basic surface features
- Create Offset Plane
- Generate Multi-section surface
- Use Revolve feature
- Trim surface
- Create Sweep and Extrude surface
- Join the surface
Design of Surface Model-2
- Create Sweep surface with Guide curves and Tangent surface
- Project the profile
- Create Intersection
- Fill the surface
Design of Surface Model-3
- Create basic wireframe
- Create Points in different quadrant
- Create Spline and Multi-section surface
- Create 3D Line
- Modify the surface
- Extract wireframe
- Convert Surface to Solid
Design of Surface Model-4
- Load the wireframe input
- Create Geometrical Set
- Create basic surface features
- Split surface
- Modify the surface features
- Apply Styling features
- Project the wireframe
- Create Corner
- Extract Boundary of surface
- Mirror the feature
Design of Surface Model-5
- Create the basic surface features
- Sweep surface by using Draft direction and angle
- Analyze the surface for error
- Create final feature
- Create Plane on curve
Pre-requisite: User should be a Mechanical Engineer and should have completed CATIA V5 Part Design-I and CATIA V5 Part Design-II courses. The recommended version for practice exercises is CATIA V5 R21 and above.
Training Method: Instruction based and Hands-on practice.
Course Validity: 90 days from the date of enrolment.
Instructor Video Duration: 63 Mins
Downloadable Exercises: 5
Recommended Practice Hours: 14 Hrs
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